Paper Huipiles
“In the series "Mis huipiles de papel/ My paper Huipiles", I celebrate the huipil as a cultural object that identifies gender and identity, it is a codex that keeps wise truths in private. My drawings are transformed into paper huipiles by assuming the traditional form of the three-panel huipil with the same dimensions as my own textile huipiles or in the small-format series “Huipilitos de papel”.
My paper huipiles are a kind of ofrenda, a tribute to the huipiles made by the creative hands of the master artisans of my land, I see them as textile art or codex that dresses us women. The small craft papers, natural micas, gold and silver leafs layered over the large amates, contain images and marks that resonate with a sense of space and a notion of place, the ancestral memory found in the layers of history that form the terrestrial landscape; they also allude to the image of the huipil dress freshly washed and stretched out in the sun or, to the rows of handmade papers waiting for air to finish the manufacturing process.
Paper is elementary in my work. My drawing explores the artistic process, it is a way of seeing life and the world that surrounds me. In the series: Huipiles de papel, my drawings and the memory of the corn leaves printed directly on the painted, drawn, cut, printed and embroidered artisan papers, I collaborate with other artisan hands of: Abigail Mendoza Antonio, Isabel Cruz, and memory from: my assistant and friend, José Margarito Alvarez, and Calixto Zoyonquila Quetzalam, a paper artisan from Puebla.”